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Don't drink a drop of wine!

Drinking does great harm to people's health. A study published in the lancet earlier this year found that drinking one extra glass of wine after the recommended amount of alcohol reduced life expectancy by half an hour. The increased risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer and other diseases caused by alcohol is also gradually known. Still, the hard scientific evidence hasn't stopped many drinkers. One argument they often cite is that alcohol is harmful only when consumed in excess of a certain amount, and that small amounts of alcohol are not harmful but have cardiovascular health benefits. But a large study just published in the lancet, a leading medical journal, refutes this idea. The results showed that those who drank one glass of alcohol a day (10 grams of alcohol, the equivalent of a can of beer, 100 milliliters of red wine or 30 milliliters of white wine) had a 0.5 percent increased risk of health problems compared with those who drank no alcohol at all.When daily consumption rose to two and five drinks respectively, the figures shot up to 7% and 37%, respectively.
Specifically, for people aged 15 to 49, the main causes of early death caused by alcohol include tuberculosis, traffic accidents and self-injury.Cancer is the leading cause of alcohol deaths in people over 50. The study of 28 million drinkers in 195 countries and regions found that there is no such thing as a "safe intake" of alcohol, which can be harmful at any level.So, for our own sake, and for the sake of our families, stop drinking.
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